Thursday 31 March 2011

Use your senses

Since February 23 I was so eager to have my own camera. But why? I asked myself. In our family it seems that its part of us girls to have a cervical cancer. Sad to hear but I find myself experiencing some qualifications of having it. It was last year when my brother told me (taking nursing) that cervical cancer is hereditary and I myself can have it. Not so bothered by it. I don't take that as an explanation for me being so eager to have a camera.
    Actually since my mother was brought to the hospital I already knew Christ. But I didn't honor Him like what I do today. And that makes me so eager to buy a camera. I have wasted almost all of my life doing nothing for the Lord. If I have my own camera I can declare how great He is by taking pictures of His creations.
     I don't even recognize how powerful He is using my senses. I am really blessed to have my five senses. Those who doesn't have are so eager to have these. They even praised God more because of not having some of it. But I who completely have this senses can't see how beautifully God created everything. 
    When I started to appreciate God's creation I started to live. For me I was long dead before not appreciating God's creation. Now I suddenly started to live. I wanted everyone to see what I see behind all His creation. And I'm going to start it by taking pictures.
    When I first met Christ it was my last year in High School. I started composing songs for the Lord but I stopped. And that's the biggest mistake I have ever done. Now that I'm appreciating God's work more. I will continue declaring His glory through taking pictures of His creations and by posting it to my sites. I hope what I have discovered about God would also help others to discover what I have discovered using my senses wisely.
    Using my own money I am now trying to buy my own camera. Through Christ I believe that I can have the enough money I needed to buy it. 


    I am doing this because I have wasted almost all my life doing nothing for the Lord. Now as soon I have my own camera I will give Him glory by showing to others how great God is! Also I like to say that I'm actually working on my songs that I composed for the Lord. It's a big mistake to stop praising Him. There's a lot of ways to praise Him. But I choose to praise Him by composing songs and taking pictures. I hope I can inspire others by doing this. So they can praise God like what I desire to do. For advance I'm not doing this for myself I am doing this for the Lord! To God be the Glory!

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