Thursday 31 March 2011

Just like the lovers in Ybardolaza

It was already nine o'clock in the morning and I'm already late. Like as always Ybardolaza was not a good place to look and wait for a jeepney to come. Troubled by the time, I didn't noticed the two couples beside me. I was so focused to my phone looking if ever my classmate already texted me. We suppose to meet in school at exactly eight o'clock. I am pretty sure she'll kill me so I should look for a jeepney fast. At first, they seemed to be an ordinary couple for me. A pregnant wife with her husband taking care of her. But it changed when I heard a motorcycle guy who rode off his bike and whispered to the butler(calls for a jeepney driver suggesting there are passenger waiting). "Be careful this two are blind" he said. He once again rode his bike and then leave. It seemed that he only told the unconscious butler about the two. Thoughtful of him. Even I didn't noticed it, I was even shocked when I heard it! With their faith to each other they have gone this far(Ybardolaza is a busy place very few people live their). Few minutes after the jeepney came written on its clip board "St. Luke's, Trinity"(that's my school Trinity University Of Asia). Hurriedly I jumped into the jeepney and sat. Looking at them until the jeepney leaved.
    Two lovers and both blind what a unique lovers, isn't it? Peculiar for others because they were both blind and should be taken care of. But what they've done made the difference. Just like the lovers we believers of Jesus Christ should be like them. Christianity all over the world is now divided into different denominations. But we all love one God. We are all united by the belief that Jesus Christ saved us to honor and worship the Father. We are all binded by His love. Just like the  lovers they can't see each other but what binded them is their love. As Christians we should be like them. What should all bind us is His love for us. We must honor, praise, worship and glorify Him without blaming each other whose religion has the right way of worshiping or not. Our religion should not make us peculiar to each other because we both worship, honor and glorify one God and that is through Jesus Christ. The important is that we should be united when we glorify Him because that's what God wanted. The eyes of the Lord is more important than the eyes of the world. God does not care about our religion but He care most of how we serve and worship Him and that's what should bind us! Just like the lovers they were both blind but in spite of that they still love each other even how peculiar it may seems.

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