Thursday 31 March 2011

The Johariss Window

Have you ever thought of stopping the time and think? That's what happen to me four years ago. Locked in my room I decided to stop and think. I've been living in this world so many years yet I still don't know what am I doing here, who am I? What are my purposes? Do I have a purpose? and Why am I acting like this different to other people?

Before I take my course Psychology my parents wanted me to be a nurse. Graduate and go abroad but that's not I wanted. After reading the book that my brother left a few years ago in our room about Psychology I secretly wished to be a Psychologist one day. By God's will and prayers I accidentally got this course. Maybe God really wanted me to take this course for some reason. 

One thing that I learned about that book is the "Johariss Window". Johariss is a Psychologist in a search for self-actualization. In his study he describes that each of us should pass the four stages in life to be called a self-actualized person. He uses the concept of the window to describe it. Just like the window. He uses four boxes and a partition in describing it. The first box that could be found in the lower right of the window is "self". One should know himself first and to able to know oneself is by evaluation. Asking the questions like who am I? What are the things that I like? What am I doing here? What are the things that I hate? What are the things that I often do? What things that satisfy me? Do I act normal according to my needs? How do I spend my day? By answering this question one can asses who he is. The next box is found in the lower left of the window namely "family". Simply by answering this questions one can asses if he truly do his part in his family. Who am I in the family? How do I act in front of them? Am I good or bad to them? Do I serve as an inspiration to them? Do I help them? How do I help them? Do I do my duties as a family member? What are the things that I could help to make my family more stronger? Do I do something for us to move forward in facing everyday life? A person who have gone this stage knows the importance of family. He respects them more than anything. A person who can't respect his own family will never move forward to the next window. The upper left box of the window is our third window and its our friends. Having a circle of friends reflects the personality of a person it's important to choose who your friends are. Some questions are; Who are my friend? How many friends do I have? Do I agree to the things they do? Do I like the things they do? Do we have some things in common? What are the things that I like them to change? Do I treat them nicely? How people look at us? Do they like us? Did I ever helped a friend before? How do I helped them? Do they know me? Do I know them? Do I accept me? What are their problems? Choosing a friend is very important. Your friends shows you who you are. A true friend will never let you fall but will encourage you. One insignificance in the Johariss window that I didn't like is that it did not mention the last box in the upper right it was named "unknown". It took me more than three years knowing what that box is then I realized "God". To be self-actualized one should know his purpose in life, to whom his living for, what is he doing here. Knowing God gives you a set of reminders, advices, guides to be a self- actualized person. To live in God's ways the things that are not given or failed to be given by the first three boxes will be given by God. He is the answer of all. He can fill the missing blanks that are missed by the first three boxes. God could help you know yourself, be your family and be your friend. To be self-actualized you also have to know God and that's the only key. 

For me to know God is the best way to be self-actualized. All the people I knew who knows God are happy and confident to the things that they have and that's what an actualized person does. 

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