Thursday 31 March 2011


"GODISNOWHERE" I've read this phrase so many times before. Like the others I did end up with two conclusions. It's either "God is now here" or "God is nowhere".
    My professor in English once post this same phrase in his Facebook wall. Seeing it in bold letters I read it as "God is now here". My professor who is a Philosopher as well who does not believe in God. Probably would read it as "God is nowhere". I think the reason behind him writing this was the execution of our three countrymen in China. They were accused in drug trafficking. The execution was held in China at exactly 12:00nn here in the Philippines today. A sudden solitude stops every Filipinos from what they're doing and prayed to God. All of the Filipinos thought of the accusation was false.
    Many Filipinos especially those who work abroad those in need are often being used to sell drugs. Just to help their family back home in Philippines they'll do everything to them. That's why many Filipinos abroad were forced to do such a nasty crime-to distribute drugs. 
    But that wasn't the issue why I write this post. I clearly understand why the execution should be done. Our countrymen disobeyed there laws so they must suffer because what they did. I also believe that our side (Filipinos) should be heard by the Chinese government. Our countrymen did it because somebody pushes them to do it. Some may say that its because of their recruiters. As a Filipino I also feel the grief of the loss of my fellow countrymen. They've been an example of Filipinos who worked hard no matter what for their loved ones.
    It was months when I watched at the television that our fellow countrymen will be executed in China because they were suspected in drug trafficking. After hearing it a lot of prayer meetings spread all over the country. Many prayed hard. Praying that the execution will be suspended and let the Philippine government handle the punishment for them instead. I think it takes months mentioning in every church for the prayer for the three. It was posted everywhere begging help from God. But today when the execution happened. Many Filipinos asks and doubt God. Where is He when we needed help? I believe that many became disappointed to Him. Why would God allow such a tragic event right? Many blame Him because of what happened. I believe that some became non believers because of it. And many people like my Professor may say that their is really no God! 
    Well actually God is there even while were praying for the safety of the three. He was there when the execution happened and He is right here while many people keep on proving that there is no God. God is watching us. I may mislead many Christian believers of what I'm about to say. I think God really intended that to happen. Because God wanted us to reveal Him once more. To call Him again. He wanted us to be united and look for Him. God's glory is being revealed when almost all of us Filipino's are praying for three. God wanted us to want Him that's why He did it. Many of us are being busy marinating ourselves doing something else. We're busy enough doing worldly things. We forget Him. He wanted us now to focus to Him. Now something tragic was about to happen so we turned and asked Him what we wanted. God doesn't want that.He does not want us to go and look for Him because we needed Him.True, God wanted us to ask Him for something because His our Father and His willing to give that to us if that deserve us. But He want us to glorify Him no matter what. God is there and He is everywhere! He revealed His glory during the execution because we all come together and prayed to Him. That's what God wanted a minute to talk with Him. 
    Somethings are meant sacrificing just like Jesus at the cross. Jesus offered His life for us to be saved and to reveal that there is a God that exist. Jesus became the living evidence that God really exist. Because of Jesus sacrifice at the cross. Many non believers believed in God and worship Him. That's what God wanted. He wanted us to worship Him.Remember God did not create the world for us but He created the world for Him. At the book of Genesis in the beginning it was clearly stated that everything that He created all bowed to Him and give Him praise. He created us to worship Him. That's what were made for! 
    God even sacrificed His own son for our salvation because He loved and wanted us because He created us. We are created for Him to give Him praise, glory and honor. Everything around here is about God. Revealing His glory. That's why there's no wonder why God let the three be executed because He let even His own Son be executed for us. He did it because He created us and He wanted us to give Him glory.
    Now reading the phrase again with the three Filipinos executed in China issue. I'm still reading it as "God is now here". He always is. We just have to let Him show it to us. God loved us and He wanted us!


My professor also added when he posted "GODISNOWHERE" phrase in His wall that God's existence depends on how you read it. 

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