Thursday 31 March 2011


Summer really have began. Now all of my summer days are scheduled to praise, glorify, worship and give thanks to the Lord. It seemed already my organizer is finally full. It was last Sunday when I started to attend the Church again. And I'm ready to commit all of my summer days serving the Lord again. I'm so happy being BUSY again for the Lord. I'm not attending the Church not only because of my friends, the music, the activities, games and a lot of more. I'm attending the Church because I'm willing to feel God's love more again. Serving Him really makes me feel more blessed and happy. Now even weekdays I'm willing to serve. Last Sunday there's been a lot of activities that our community prepared to reach out youths who is willing to feel God's love more. I hope everything went fine. For God's glory I know we can do everything. God bless every one! 

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