Thursday 31 March 2011

The Losers

Yesterday our class just returned from Olongapo. The Juniors(class ahead of us) held a Group Dynamics for us sophomore students. They grouped us from different sections. It was fun! I got to know new friends because of it. Each group was named after the subject of Psychology. Having least members my group was named "Ego" from Freudian term. Since February 25(first day) our group was called "Losers". We never won in any game. We always got the score of 0. But we didn't blame each other for that. 
    Being losers we called our group "The Losers" right after our name "Ego". We created our own cheer for our group which we only created for fun(other groups did not create there own cheer just us). The cheer goes like "Go, go Ego! go go go Ego, go! go go Losers, go go, go Losers go!" we sang it while enjoying the race. We seems very proud of it! And were happy being called as losers because we really are losers! We look each games us an opportunity to know each other. We don't look at it as a competition but we look at it as a fun game to be enjoyed. So we don't care about our scores or whether we win or lose. 
    The next day February 26 will be a huge event. It is the time where each group will be tested to know how will we respond to the game as a group. The game was called Amazing race(from the reality show "Amazing Race"). We were given an instruction just to pass the stations 1,3,5,7, and 9. Since we are losers I repeated the stations to them more than twice so they can take it in mind and would not forget. It was really funny when I repeated it more than twice. They seemed does not know it was only odd numbers and don't really have to memorize it. Anyway, when the game finally started. Each group ran to the stations where they were assigned. Because we are really dumb we went to the place that is out of the map of the stations. We even have time to laugh for it because we realized how dumb we are. When I asked them to stop and to look for the stations instead they did. While we ran we sang the cheer that we made. We were only 9 in the group so other teams looked at us because we are really few. Other groups have 15 members in it.
    Singing it gave us the power and courage to make it fast to the next station. It was funny when I appointed Mish(one of the prettiest in our group and is really sensitive) to get the tokens out of that huge tumbler filled with vinegar, water and egg mixed with something that is really disgusting. Blind folded she went over it without complaining. After station 3 we went to station 5 where I volunteered to play the game. It was easy I just walked using the coconut shell. After we finished the game and answered the riddle. We then go to station 7 where we almost got lost again. Laughing I once asked them to stop so we can move to the next station. Singing the song again while running gives us the energy to reach the next station that easily. The next station asked three of us to eat balsam apple. Without hesitation they ate it. The next station was a few steps away so we went for it. They asked five of us to carry the blanket with one of us sited in the middle. Chubbier than them. I guess I was the one who made us move slower because they can't carry me. After us were other groups who are really competitive so we hurried to make it fast to the next station. The next station asked three of us to crawl over a slippery floor without using hands and feet. Cheering our members we made it fast.
    The next station will be our last station. Without noticing that were ahead of the other teams I asked them to sing the song again and again, and I said "Whatever happens I will be proud to be a Loser because I have you guys and that's what important". Praying to God while running we finally reached our last destination. Passing to the waters of the pool. We finally reached the last challenge for our group. They asked two of us to ate the apple in half that is placed in a huge tumbler. Finishing it we told the facilitators that it was our last destination so they asked us to return to the Club house where the race started. Seeing our Professor standing alone I said "Sir we were being asked to be here. We already finished the race". Then he said "Congratulations you made it! Your team came here first". Upon hearing it they sang the song and jumped around. We were so happy. We thought that were going to lose again.
    Giving our glory to God. We called ourselves "The Losers". Price did not matter to us. What mattered was that we really enjoyed each others company. Win or lose we still called ourselves "The Losers". And I'm really proud to be one of it! God is our winner and for Him were willing to be called "The Losers!". 

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