Thursday 31 March 2011

The Cross

Last Thursday I lost one of the precious thing I have. My cross. It was a wooden necklace. I wear it even sleeping, bathing, dressing, eating and studying. Wearing it helps me a lot. Having it was like being fully protected all the time. When I lost it I felt something missing from me, a part of me. 

    I told my boyfriend I lost it. "It's not important anyway what important is that it was carved and remained in my heart". "It should not be carved and remained in your heart Jesus Christ should be carved and remained not the cross all our transgressions and sins now remained at that cross. Jesus is living with the Father now that's what important not His death on the cross." he answered back. My boyfriend is a Christian born-again I understood clearly what his trying to say. But I'm a Catholic it's different from our belief. If they condone the presence of the cross I can't because I have a different belief. For us Catholic it was a powerful sign of redemption and salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was the fulfillment of God's promises to His people. We Catholics honor it and it wasn't easy for us to ignore it just like what they did. "But I also honor it not just like what you always does" he added. When I tried to explain its importance to us Catholic.

    For me, we may have different belief about the cross. It might be a negative perspective for them but positive for us. What's important is there's a cross or not we still honor the salvation of Christ. The cross may put Jesus into death to save us for our sin for them but for us it is a sign of God's fulfillment to His people a very powerful sign of God's redemption over the devil. But's that's not really important whether who's right and who's wrong. The important is Jesus Christ reigned when he saved us. Through the cross salvation was done. Wearing or does not have a Cross necklace it should all remind us about God's act to us. To save us!

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