Thursday 31 March 2011

It's not the end but it's only the beginning

 Recently I heard one of my classmate. Paolo talked about the death of her grandmother. What a gentle heart he has to cry so much for his lost. I never seen any of my classmates cried like that before. Our class in Psychology of Adjustment was filled with solitude. Everyone is being sympathetic. Her grandmother is already 86 or 89 years old, I guess when she died. Her death brought Paolo so much grief and sadness.

      It is really painful to lose someone you love. It could be a family member, friend, teacher, co-worker, church-mate, classmate or your special someone. Being a Christian and believer of Jesus Christ it is normal for us to grief and suffer because of the lost of that someone. It may take weeks, months or even years to completely move on. But that wasn't easy. If you believe in Jesus Christ the death of that someone would not be painful as it seems. We believed that death is actually now their beginning to their eternal journey. My Professor once said "Death should not be feared and not be grieved about. If you really trust in God". She's right! Death should not be feared hence it is not the end yet its the beginning. If the person we love or admire died. Of course we may feel sad and grief because of it. But it should not take long for we know where that person now is. His now in the good hands of our Creator. He is now united with God. What every Christians wanted! So being a good someone to them we should be happy for them. Knowing that that's what they wanted too. To be united with the Father. The one that created, loved and saved us. There is so much joy in that union. 

    So as a good someone to that person it's ok to mourn at first. Because they lose someone special but remember it's not the end for them, it's only the beginning. It's the time for their reunion with God. The much awaited reunion of every Christian. As a Christian we must understand God's plans for them and for us. God did it because it's already time and they already fulfilled what God wanted them to do here on earth.
    Grief with the lost of someone is really painful but once you know God better and His plans. Your grief will not take long rather it will be replaced with happiness. For there are now with the Father. Giving glory and living happily with Him.


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