Thursday 31 March 2011

If I die Tommorrow

"What if I die tomorrow?" that's the question that entered my mind while I was in bed. My Mom told me that I have a fever but I don't feel anything. She wanted me to go with her to the hospital so I can have a check up. "But that would be a waste of time. I'm fine I just tired that's all" I said. She just left me in my room and let me take a rest. And I wondered "What if I'm really sick? What If my Mom was right?", "Sick people thought their fine even though their not so they die without realizing that their suffering all the time in a chronic disease" she said before she left the room. But what if she's right? What If tomorrow will be my deadline? Am I prepared? What will happen to my body? Where will I go? 
    Funny isn't it? Well I'm not scared of dying because I believe that I will go in the right place where God wanted me to go. Because I believe in Jesus Christ and He is the only way to the Father. But that wasn't enough. After reading "Cat and Dog Theology by Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robinson" I realized I've been on this earth for 18 and almost a half year and I haven't done anything for the Lord yet. Yes, I teach and spread the Word of God to others and set a good example to them but that wasn't enough. My real purpose here on earth is to glorify Him! I come to think of the things where I glorify only Him. I do glorify Him by spreading and teaching His words to others. But do I really glorify only Him that way? I come to think and realized that I was only glorifying myself and the one I'm teaching. All the words I'm saying was simply "Jesus died for you and me, He created us because He loves us and God gave us the things we needed" . It wasn't incorrect but its incomplete! I uses the words "I, you, we and me" suggesting that God is only living because of us and that is incomplete. God created, saved, and provided us our needs because He wanted us to worship Him. God does not only want us to think that He is only our provider that's why He is worthy of our praise but also, He wanted us to know that He is our God worthy of our praise. God created the oceans, seas, rivers, lands, mountains, plants, animals, insects, worms and human beings to bow down and worship Him. It's all about Him not us! True, He send His son Jesus Christ to save us not only because He love us but also He created us and He owns us. He wanted us to worship Him. And that's our purpose! Sad to say few Christians know about this. They thought that God created the world for us. It's not incorrect but its incomplete. God created the world for us so we can glorify Him. That what I missed in almost 19 years of my life.
    What would I do if I really die tomorrow, you ask? And I just realized all of this in just one night? Nothing is impossible to God! If I die tomorrow I want my family to donate my eyes and heart to the needy and have them the little notebook I have. Where I have written all my praises to Him. I think that would be my only and last way to glorify Him. It may not be enough but what I wanted would save a life. Another life that will glorify Him!


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