Under The Flowers

I remembered one of Jesus Christ parable in New Testament where Jesus tells the story of the three soil that would not bear trees even though they were being thrown by seeds. From that idea I end with this name of my blog "Under The Flowers". 

According to Jesus there are three kinds of soil one that is a hard soil, shallow soil, and soil with weeds. When we throw seeds on it. These three soils will not bear trees because of their characteristics. Only one kind of soil would bear trees with fruits and flowers on it. That soil would be moist and receptive. With enough sunlight, oxygen and water the tree will now grow and after a little more it will now bear fruits and flowers. 

Under The Flowers came from that idea. To grow like a beautiful flower one must be receptive to His words and plans for you. "Under" from the title itself literary means being under the flower. To grow a beautiful flower one must be aware what kind of soil would one use and what seed. One has to focus more on what to use. Jesus Christ is the seed we are the soil. The water, oxygen and sunlight are His words and His Holy Spirit. With enough time someday it will grow slowly and produce such a beautiful flower.

This blog of mine will share all my thoughts of God. How do I grow by following His will and plans for me. Do I grow as the flower that He wanted me to be, simply a flower or does not even produce a flower at all?  A beautiful flower can only be seen by God. No human being can tell if a flower is beautiful or not. When we were created all of us are beautiful in His eyes but when we committed sin this beauty fade. It was Jesus Christ who restored it back. To be beautiful again we must accept Jesus Christ in our lives and follow Him. With the help of reading His words and following His plans for us we will grow beautifully. 

I want to be a beautiful flower in His eyes. I don't care what others think about me but what's important is what he thinks about me. Now I accepted my seed-Jesus Christ I will now seek guidance from His holy spirit to water me and give me sunlight to completely grow. Growing is a lifetime process it will take time till the seed will grow turned into a plant and grow as a tree producing branches bear flowers and fruits. It requires patience and motivation. There are trees that are said to be seasonal but God knows that we are not perfect so He understands why sometimes we lose our beauty and gave us time to restore it back till the time comes that we are now stable. I'm willing to grow no matter how long because I know that God will bless me because of it. Now while I'm still in the process of growing I'm going to show God's glory through the little leaves that I have. God bless everyone!