Thursday 31 March 2011

Being Neutral

I believe that everyone deserves to have a good relationship with God. But the problem is religion makes the partition to it. We can't see things clearly what God really wants us to do. We were blinded by the religion. Don't you think that our religion or your religion serves as a hindrance in our relationship with Him? I'm a pure Roman Catholic. I've been serving the Roman Catholic two years from now. I decided to know God by attending different seminars and prayer meetings. Reading the Bible also helps me to develop a good relationship with Him. But the time came when I started to get curious about the other religions. I found out that religion should not be the basis of our faith because all of us share the same faith and that is believing in only one God. The only thing that separates us to each other is through tradition. For me tradition for us Roman Catholics only serves as a reminder. A reminder how powerful, merciful, great and loving God is. It was man made.  We only celebrate it to honor Him. Other Roman Catholic misinterpret it. A kind of heresy for other religion or denominations. It was sad to hear we're Catholics are being viewed heretics by other religions. But who can blame them. We also think they does too. All of us has flaws but it's not right to condemn each other. All religion claims that their religion is the true religion the one that Jesus Christ built long ago. But we should all take in mind what Jesus Christ built is a Church not a religion. A group of people who believes in Him as the savior and was sent by the Father. 

I have a friend of mine who I think tried to convert me to their religion. She told me that I'm not saved if I don't do the things they did in their religion. She did not ask me to convert but what she's asking me to do is something different to our doctrines. That's one flaw most religions has. We are supposed to be a body. One body and that is the body of Christ. We are all Christians sharing the same faith in Him. We should be united not destroying each other. 

After being told that I may not be saved in my religion. I chose not to depend on religions anymore. My religion also tells the same thing to them. That's why I chose to be neutral. I think this is the best way to have a good relationship with Him. True, that religion is part of our norms and we can't escape it because it's part of our society and everybody is living with it. There's no escape in it. Maybe what I have to do is depend to His word and still attend to my religion ignoring religious gossips that only tries to destroy each other. I chose not to be religious anyway I rather choose to have a relationship with Him. I think that's what Jesus Christ wanted in the first place to have a good relationship with the Father. Let us not depend to much in our religion it may lead only to sin. Sin that all of us are trying to avoid. Because all we have to do is to defend and offend each other. And I believe that's not what Jesus Christ wanted. Let us let God decide everything for us. God will not ask us if our time comes what religion do we belong here on earth instead He'll ask us what have we done for Him. Maybe being neutral from religion and spreading what really God wanted from the first place would be a step for God in entering His kingdom. Instead of destroying each other let us build a good relationship with Him that's what's important.

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