Thursday 31 March 2011



He is a good molder and creator.
Perfect in His eyes everything was created,
from light to darkness
from planets to solar system
from galaxies to universe
from earth to waters
from waters to lands
from lands to plates
from trees to  forest
from plants to trees
from riverbanks to oceans
from hills to mountains 
from flowers to gardens
from little sea creatures to animals
from little worms to the big monsters
from food to poison
from man to woman
What a great Master Piece!
Rejoice in Him!

He is a good Governor, Savior and Sanctifier.
from Father to children
from little to multitude 
from laws to commandments
from priests to popes
from slaves to masters
from Jews to Muslims
from loss to saved
from nobody to somebody
from individuals to groups
from fishermen to tax collectors 
from rich to poor
from single to married
from widowed to family
from father to mother
from young to old
from child to youth
from Heaven to earth
from sinners to saved
from unfaithful to faithful
from disobedient to obedient
from worthless to worthily
from loss to found
from life to death
from death to resurrection
from apostles to disciples
What a great Master Piece!
Send His son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit to us!
He is Mighty to Save,
You are Holy!
Rejoice in Him!

He is a good Judge
from just to unjust
from righteous to quarrelsome
from prisoners to free man
from masters to slaves
from rich to poor
from hungry to satisfied
from landowners to communists
from lease to leaser
from homeless to settled
from priests to pastors
from boastful to humble 
from good to evil
from religious to atheistic
from pagans to believer
from suffering to relieve
from lonely to happy 
from black to white 
from curly to straight
from fat to thin
from loss to found
from tall to small
from His word to none
from empty to full
from the living to dead
from heaven to hell
He is just!
He is fair!
Rejoice in Him!

The Mover of movers,
He cant be moved.
The Cause of causers,
He cause all things.
The Provider of providers,
give all necessities.
The Highest of the highest,
gives the gradation.
The Organizer of organizers,
everything is done according to Him.
The Father of fathers
He take care of us.
The GOD of all gods,
our Everything.
He is our Lord, God, Savior, Provider, Sanctifier and our Judge
In Jesus Christ name 
the worthy of our praise, glory and honor!


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