Thursday 31 March 2011

15 Basis in Finding your True Love

Supposedly I have post this an hour ago but it seems this website has lost what I've written. That's why I should write it again. Anyway, I last presented this talk in my youth Light of the Youth Community (LYC). Many have changed because of this. That's why I have decided to write it here in my page. Since tomorrow will be Valentine's day. I want to share what I have discovered and studied about finding your true love. I have set and given at least 15 Basis and criteria in finding your true love. 
        Before starting I want this to dedicate to all the people who would celebrate there Valentine's day tomorrow. Either you are single, married in a relationship. What I'm about to share to you would be a good basis in finding your true lover, and it will also help you to become a true lover. Single or not I hope you enjoy what I have written.

1. A true lover is patient
        Patient does not have to require time. Being patient is simply letting your partner realize his or her mistake. Letting him or her realize it makes you a good lover. You are willing to let him or her change his or her attitude for the better. If not for your relationship let him or her realize that it's for him or her. 
2. A true lover is kind
        The kindness I'm saying here is the kindness coming from the heart. Many lovers pretend to be kind. But the truth is that person only pretends to be kind so you can love him or her more. To know him or her better. You can see it by the way he or she acts towards others. You can notice it with her family. If he or she do things according to his or her parents will. He or she is truly a kind person. He or she is also willing to offer a hand to other without asking something in return.
3. A true lover is not envy
        He or she is confident the way he or she is. He or she may become envy or jealous but it won't affect your relationship. He or she cherish your relationship that's why he or she is willing to avoid being envy and built trust for you.
4. A true lover does not boast
        Pride has no room for him or her. Humility will always be felt from him or her. He or she is willing to lower his or her pride for you especially in a fight. He or she is willing to understand you first before making a decision.
5. A true lover is not rude
        A true lover knows exactly how to respect you. He or she won't let you do things that you didn't want. He or she will never humiliate you in front of everybody. He or she cherish you a lot. He or she does not want to see you in pain instead he or she is willing to comfort you.
6. A true lover does not insist doing things for its own way
        Both your decision matters. He or she won't make decisions without asking you. He or she makes decisions that will make your relationship better. 
7. A true lover is not irritating
        A true lover wants to make you feel comforted. He or she does not want to hurt, irritate, envy and make you angry. Doing such things makes him or her stupid. He or she wants you to feel being loved.
8. A true lover will not push you to do wrongdoings
        A true lover wants you to become a better person. Having the right path. He or she won't lead you to do something that will only lead you to self destruction. Instead he or she will help you to become a self actualized person.
9. A true lover is honest
        He or she loves truth. He or she is willing to be honest with you all the time. Even things went worst he or she will remain honest. He or she cherish your trust to him or her.
10. A true lover does not give up
        He or she is willing to fight for you. He or she will not give up on you no matter what. If things went wrong he or she would like to make it better by not giving up.
11. A true lover does not lose faith
        He or she trust you so much. Your trust is very important to him or her. He or she is not easily tempted to have third parties.
12. A true lover is hopeful
        Your love for each other is very important. He or she is very hopeful when things went wrong and is willing to change everything for your relationship.
13. A true lover is ready to endure any circumstances
        He or she is willing to fight for you no matter what. He or she believes that your the most beautiful and wonderful person he or she ever met. He or she is ready to endure anything just to be with you.
14. A true lover believes that your love will last forever
        A true lover believes that your the person for him or her. He or she is willing to be with you for the rest of the time. He or she is also willing to love you forever. He or she believes and hopes that your love will lasts forever.
15. A true lover knows God
        God is love. He or she knows God and he or she loves Him. He believes that God should be the center  and the foundation of your relationship so you can be together. He or she believes that your the person sent by Him to be with him or her. He or she experiences God's love that's why he or she is willing to let you feel it too. He fears God so he or she won't hurt you. 

    These are the 15 basis in finding your true love. In a relationship, or single this is very adaptable for everyone. For I get it from the source of love Himself, God. It was written in the Bible 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. A person who feels God's love could also love others perfectly because they can feel the real meaning of true love. I hope this can help you find your true love and helps you become a true lover. Happy Valentines and God bless! 


My Family (Community)

"When we focus on personalities, preferences, interpretations, styles, or methods, division always happens. But if we concentrate on loving each other and fulfilling God's purposes, harmony results"
    It's been months when I started to read Rick Warren's book Purpose Driven Life. Honestly I didn't commit to it accordingly. The readers are expected to read it everyday per chapter. Finishing its 40 chapters. So were expected to finish it in 40 days only. It's already been a month and I haven't been in the middle page of the book. I've been busy doing school stuffs but now since it's already summer. I can read it again everyday. With my boyfriend we both read the same book now meeting at the same chapter. I started before him but now were reading the same chapter. These last few days since it's summer again. I've decided to be active in our youth community again. But I remembered I told my boyfriend that I found my community where I belong is something that is not serious in serving God. It seems to me that the members are not committed enough to the Lord. 
    Yes they do attend the community regularly but I can't felt Christ in their lives. They seem to attend only just to do something with there lives. Some of them are drunk while attending, some of them say bad words while in the prayer meeting, some are really rude and a lot of more. Because of it I decided to leave. I thought that my boyfriend's church is more better than ours. So I planned when I finish college I would convert and attend to there church instead. I can't find fellowship through my church and I thought that my boyfriend's church can give the fellowship that I'm looking for. 
    Then suddenly when I was about to sleep I saw the book Purpose Driven Life right beside my Bible covered with the other books. When I pulled it our I remember it's been a long time since I last red it. I stopped at chapter 20. The next chapter was about Protecting Your Church then I red it.
    There I realized that the members of our youth was only part of God's plan for us to be more united. Our community lasted for over 10 years and it's still alive standing. Still reaching out to youth to know God better.
    Even the members are really few you can see that all of them have reasons that's why they're active and it's I who only make the community worst. People like me who makes our community worthless. "Yet we must passionately love the church in spite of it's imperfections" Rick Warren said. God created no one perfect so I as a human being that was not created perfect does not have the right to judge my own community like that. 
    "God warns us over and over not to criticize, compare, or judge each other. When you criticize what another believer is doing in faith and from sincere conviction, you are interfering with God's business" This made me realize more. That I'm being judge mental to my community which a true son of God should not do. I'm really ashamed of myself. I thought I would find God more if I convert or try to attend other communities. But I was wrong if I only become contented and stop judging I would probably enjoy my community. If I really love God I would love my neighbor no matter who they are. But that wasn't I did. Instead of loving them I judged them because of there imperfections. They don't deserve to be judge I deserve to be judge because of what I've done to them. I was the one that should be abandoned. 
    "It will not always be easy. Sometimes you will have to do what's best for the Body, not yourself, showing preference to others. That's one reason God puts in a church family-to learn unselfishness." All of the sudden while I was looking a better community for myself I began to be selfish. Thinking of myself how to draw a close relationship with God. Not realizing that they're the family that God gave me. I should be contented with them. Now I realized that I'm worst than the youth that I used to criticize in our church. At least they love there family than me who stab them in the back. They love me and I don't. 
    Last two Sundays I returned to my community and become active again. I always said that religion is not important but what I did made me realize I'm worst than those people being so attached to their religion defending what they believe even though for me it sounded wrong. At least they love there community and is confident of the community that God gave to them. 
    All I really need is love. I became numb because of my selfishness I don't realized that my community loved me so much. They're always there even though I became inactive. If I could only tell them what I've done. I would probably say "sorry you don't deserve someone like me in your community". But I know because they love me. I know they would forgive me for what I've done. Because that what they did when I returned again. They welcomed me again whole heartedly. Thank you guys and I love you!
    Now realizing all of this makes me more confident of what I've got. God has plans so I should be ready to accept it whole heartedly no matter what. No one is perfect so am I. Thank You Lord for letting me realize it again. Now I will read Purpose Driven Life again together with my Bible knowing what purposes God wanted me to know. My Community is my family I should be happy because I have them.


Summer really have began. Now all of my summer days are scheduled to praise, glorify, worship and give thanks to the Lord. It seemed already my organizer is finally full. It was last Sunday when I started to attend the Church again. And I'm ready to commit all of my summer days serving the Lord again. I'm so happy being BUSY again for the Lord. I'm not attending the Church not only because of my friends, the music, the activities, games and a lot of more. I'm attending the Church because I'm willing to feel God's love more again. Serving Him really makes me feel more blessed and happy. Now even weekdays I'm willing to serve. Last Sunday there's been a lot of activities that our community prepared to reach out youths who is willing to feel God's love more. I hope everything went fine. For God's glory I know we can do everything. God bless every one!