Tuesday 24 May 2011

To know God more

Some of the students together with my sister Sarah
May Flower is almost over. On May 29 will be the children's graduation day. Sarah and I will be missing them so badly. We'll wait for another year to see them again. I wish we could spend more time with them. It's almost a month since we started teaching them. But it wasn't enough for them to see what's the real purpose of the May Flower.

May Flower is about the life of Jesus and Mary here on earth. How they both struggled to fulfill God's plans for His people. We hope we can share more about how God wanted us to be saved from our deadly sins. I know it would be early for them to know such a heavy Catechism topic but I believe in God. And I know with enough time. We can teach them how Jesus loves us and how badly He wanted us to be saved. 

Let's pray to the Lord
We want them to know that Jesus Christ saved us and through serving God we are helping ourselves to get closer to God more. Salvation what we call it. Children like them are closer to God more than us. That's why we wanted them to know how God loves them no matter what. In an early age we want them to know Jesus Christ. I believe that some of them will be a saint and will be recognize by many as being a faithful servant of God. Well I hope all of them will be.

While waiting for others
On May 29 would be there last day. The teachers and the rest will now be back in business again. But the desire in our hearts to see each other so they can learn more about God is still here. "Prayer would do" as they said. Yes it will. But we still hope that we can teach them more. Children like them would face a much bigger world out there everyday. And through the lessons we've taught them that is now carved in their hearts and minds would be there weapon in fighting against evil and temptation.

Let's praise the Lord!
Yes everything is possible with God. And through our prayers we know that someday they'll know much deeper how Jesus loves us. 

See you next year my brothers and sisters in Christ. May God be with you always! We love you!

Some of my students

While waiting

The games

Snacks before going home

Lesson time with Sarah as the teacher

Let's pray

Me as the moderator

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