Sunday 29 May 2011

Letting His will be done

I've been running, dancing, brain storming, writing, and reading an hour ago. I can't believe it our Light of the Youth Community(LYC) Head Editor of our Newspaper had invited me to be part of the Journalism team. Oh my Gosh! I can't even say a word. He told me that he has chosen me together with Philip and Aica to be part of it. "Philip and Aica already have experiences but me?" I said. He continued and said "I believe in you guys. I want this article to be published and be the formal article of our community". Not quite sure about my decision but he still continued and assigned me with some of the articles. He wanted me to write something about our community's recollection with Bishop Bacani, our Youth Catholic Light in the Spirit Seminar that was held last May 8 and 9. He also wanted me to write some literary pieces about the Catholic Church and its doctrines and he expected me to have three of it. Wow! I'm not a good writer and I don't know if I'm even a writer. I can write in English but not good. I can write blogs but not appropriate. I don't know but I think God called me. I once dreamed of being a part of a news paper journalists. But now? With these tons of articles that are expected from me? I don't know. He also expects me to pass all the said article before June 30. I don't know what God's plans for me. But He called me and gave me this opportunity so I will take it. Let Your will be done Lord!

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