Wednesday 25 May 2011

It's not an accident

It's not an accident. Everything that happened and will happen is not an accident. Even how painful or how humiliating it is. It is not an accident. God said in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It was almost 6:00pm when my sister asked me to come with her and with her band. It was Eddie's birthday so they decided to celebrate it. I could not decline because I also wanted to come. There like brothers to me. Unfortunately, the next session to the studio will be available at 9:30pm. So we waited for almost three hours and a half. While waiting we decided to stay at Emman's house. Just waiting. Then suddenly topics came fleeing in. There's too many to talk about. We talked about relationships, bands, about ourselves, and a lot of more. Then a topic came from nowhere. Together with Jerrick, Eddie, Emman and my sister Sarah we suddenly talked about God. It all started about Illuminati bands. Freaky to know that almost all popular bands today are Illuminati. Even some single artist now belong to that organization. Then Salvation comes in. Eddie one of the band's faithful servant of God. Opened that a person could only be affected if one has a very weak faith towards God. Me and Sarah also added that one has to be aware of the songs there listening. 

As a Psychology student I conclude that songs often register somewhere in our unconscious or subconscious mind. Making us to do things were unaware of. Then chills starting to come. Everyone is starting to be afraid. We felt that somebody is watching us. Somebody who is getting angry because such a topic came in. 

In just a moment some of us confess, some of us repent, and some of us accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. In just a glimpse in a single sitting something big happened to our lives. It wasn't an accident that the time for the next session will be available at 9:30pm. It wasn't an accident that we've waited almost three hours and a half.. And it wasn't an accident that we talked about God. He is watching and He intended that to happen. 

Before leaving the house Jerrick asked us to pray first. We felt someone's been looking at us so we prayed. After awhile we now felt confident and safe again. God moved us. He wanted that to happen to reveal His glory.

God is really great. He manipulated everything so we could talk about that topic. That night I knew God reigned at us. We learned to trust Him more no matter what. It's not an accident.

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