Monday 23 May 2011

Just like Mary

The Mary I'am talking about is the Mary from the "Martha and Mary" story from the New Testament. Honestly time has always been my problem. I always have excuses in serving the Lord. Last semester I almost lost track busy doing earthly things. At the end of the semester just a few days before our final examination. I decided to go back and serve the Lord once again. My grades almost drop and I don't have time to return to the church but I still choose to. Thank God I did it. I returned and I saved my grades from dropping. Without God in my life is like a dead person. I never felt being so lonely before when I stopped serving the Lord. At that moment I felt the chills that I needed God again. Not because of the struggles just simply I needed Him. Now I have returned I think I was found again. This time a person who yearns for His words.

I've always been busy doing things to make myself look good but I wasn't happy. And I despise myself for that. Just like what Martha did when Jesus came to there house. She prepared a lot to make there house look presentable. And when she saw Mary just lying and listening to the Lord she asked her to stop and help her instead. But the Lord said what Mary did was better than what Martha is doing. Then Martha sat with them and listened to Jesus. 

To be next to the Lord and sat down for a moment is what I just needed. It would be a moment of peace and silence. Now that summer is almost finish I already budgeted my time before the new semester comes. I now have time to serve the Lord. I need Him. Just like what Mary did I will sit beside the Lord and listen. Not only Sundays but everyday.  

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