Sunday 15 May 2011

Committing to You again

The summer days are almost over. But my service days to the Lord are not. Since March the beginning of summer I've been helping the Church. It's been a year I think when I stop helping again. But now I'm trying to commit again. As a promise I created a campaign for the Lord to make an agreement to serve Him for the rest of my life. I also made it to make it up to Jesus because I've been gone for a long time. That campaign was "I say Yes to JESUS campaign". Finally that agreement was finish and with the help of the Lord. I already presented the video to our youth(Light of the Youth Community) and giving all the glory to God they all like it. I'm actually planned only to have 25 youth to say YES to JESUS. But because God is really great I almost have 50 of them who said yes to Jesus and let there pictures taken with there testimonies saying yes to JESUS. God is really great!

Now I will continue to serve God whatever happens. With Christ who gives me strength I know I can do it. No matter how strict my schedule would be. God gave me a lot of things and my service weren't enough to repay for all the graces He had given to me. All I can do is pray. Giving all the glory to God. I'm trying to commit again to You Lord!

I wish I can post the video here in my blog. But I have to upload if first so I can post it. But here's the video. For God be the glory. This video is dedicated to God through His Son Jesus Christ! God bless everyone!

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