Tuesday 31 May 2011

May Flower 2011

For the celebration for the end of May Flower 2011 Legion Catechist with the cooperation of Legion of Mary, Ascension of Our Lord Parish Church, St. Therese of the Child Jesus Choir and Light of the Youth Community celebrated the "May Flower 2011 Culminating Activity". On May 30, 2011 at the 4th floor of the Ascension of Our Lord Parish Church over 30 students had graduate. 

At exactly 1:00 in the afternoon the Main Teachers Seline Angoluan, Sarah Angoluan, and Philip Latonio together with their assistants Faye, April, Angelica Gahinhin, Aica Gahinhin, Jessielo Romano, Elma and Princess Eva Mosot had gathered to prepare the 4th floor for the later activity. At 2:30 they had gathered at the altar to start the rosary with the children wearing the motif color white. After praying the rosary they had offered the flower that Ate Elena the Main Catechist of the May Flower bought. Altogether they sang the song for Mother Mary that was frequently sang every May Flower class to Mary during the offertory "Ang Awit sa Ina ng Santo Rosaryo". 

At 3:00pm the Culminating that was held at the 4th floor of the Parish started. Moderators Seline Angoluan and Philip Latonio started it with a prayer. It was later followed by the games. The first game "Trip to Jerusalem" was administered by April and Faye. The lucky winner for this game was Sheila My that was a student of Seline. The next game was administered by the sisters Angela and Angelica "Bring me". Many had won the game. The last game was moderated by Seline "The boat is sinking". The winners for this round were Sheila My, Rudy and Sixto. After the games was the presentation of the dance performance that was prepared by Sarah and Seline. The presentation of the students was divided into two groups according to their teachers and age. The students of Joshua(absent) and Elma was mixed so was Seline and Sarah's students. The first to perform was the group of Joshua and Elma with the song "Every Move by Hillsong kids". That was later followed by the students of Seline and Sarah performing "Do you remember". The last to perform was the teachers Seline, Sarah, Jessie, Faye and April dancing "In my head". It was perform while the children were having their snacks. 

The program was followed by the awarding of the honor students. From every class that was handled by Elma, Joshua, Seline and Sarah there are three students chosen to be given an award. Since Joshua was not around Philip gave the honor to call the three students of Joshua's student. It was later followed by Elma's student, Seline and Sarah. The awarding was not yet over for it was followed by another awarding that chosen by Philip. He gave honor for those student who are behave and active. 

The last part of the program was the giving of certificates and goods that was prepared by the teachers and was given by the sponsors. Some of the goods that are included were two notebooks, two pencils, one ballpen, and one sharpener. There are also lunch boxes that was filled with snacks. Before ending the program Seline ended it with a prayer singing at the end "Ang awit sa Ina ng Santo Rosario".

This celebration would be the end of the May Flower Catechism class of 2011. It's good to know that another event for the greatest glory of God was successful. But it won't be successful without the guide of our Mother Mama Mary. To God be the Glory!

Sunday 29 May 2011

Letting His will be done

I've been running, dancing, brain storming, writing, and reading an hour ago. I can't believe it our Light of the Youth Community(LYC) Head Editor of our Newspaper had invited me to be part of the Journalism team. Oh my Gosh! I can't even say a word. He told me that he has chosen me together with Philip and Aica to be part of it. "Philip and Aica already have experiences but me?" I said. He continued and said "I believe in you guys. I want this article to be published and be the formal article of our community". Not quite sure about my decision but he still continued and assigned me with some of the articles. He wanted me to write something about our community's recollection with Bishop Bacani, our Youth Catholic Light in the Spirit Seminar that was held last May 8 and 9. He also wanted me to write some literary pieces about the Catholic Church and its doctrines and he expected me to have three of it. Wow! I'm not a good writer and I don't know if I'm even a writer. I can write in English but not good. I can write blogs but not appropriate. I don't know but I think God called me. I once dreamed of being a part of a news paper journalists. But now? With these tons of articles that are expected from me? I don't know. He also expects me to pass all the said article before June 30. I don't know what God's plans for me. But He called me and gave me this opportunity so I will take it. Let Your will be done Lord!

Wednesday 25 May 2011

It's not an accident

It's not an accident. Everything that happened and will happen is not an accident. Even how painful or how humiliating it is. It is not an accident. God said in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It was almost 6:00pm when my sister asked me to come with her and with her band. It was Eddie's birthday so they decided to celebrate it. I could not decline because I also wanted to come. There like brothers to me. Unfortunately, the next session to the studio will be available at 9:30pm. So we waited for almost three hours and a half. While waiting we decided to stay at Emman's house. Just waiting. Then suddenly topics came fleeing in. There's too many to talk about. We talked about relationships, bands, about ourselves, and a lot of more. Then a topic came from nowhere. Together with Jerrick, Eddie, Emman and my sister Sarah we suddenly talked about God. It all started about Illuminati bands. Freaky to know that almost all popular bands today are Illuminati. Even some single artist now belong to that organization. Then Salvation comes in. Eddie one of the band's faithful servant of God. Opened that a person could only be affected if one has a very weak faith towards God. Me and Sarah also added that one has to be aware of the songs there listening. 

As a Psychology student I conclude that songs often register somewhere in our unconscious or subconscious mind. Making us to do things were unaware of. Then chills starting to come. Everyone is starting to be afraid. We felt that somebody is watching us. Somebody who is getting angry because such a topic came in. 

In just a moment some of us confess, some of us repent, and some of us accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. In just a glimpse in a single sitting something big happened to our lives. It wasn't an accident that the time for the next session will be available at 9:30pm. It wasn't an accident that we've waited almost three hours and a half.. And it wasn't an accident that we talked about God. He is watching and He intended that to happen. 

Before leaving the house Jerrick asked us to pray first. We felt someone's been looking at us so we prayed. After awhile we now felt confident and safe again. God moved us. He wanted that to happen to reveal His glory.

God is really great. He manipulated everything so we could talk about that topic. That night I knew God reigned at us. We learned to trust Him more no matter what. It's not an accident.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

To know God more

Some of the students together with my sister Sarah
May Flower is almost over. On May 29 will be the children's graduation day. Sarah and I will be missing them so badly. We'll wait for another year to see them again. I wish we could spend more time with them. It's almost a month since we started teaching them. But it wasn't enough for them to see what's the real purpose of the May Flower.

May Flower is about the life of Jesus and Mary here on earth. How they both struggled to fulfill God's plans for His people. We hope we can share more about how God wanted us to be saved from our deadly sins. I know it would be early for them to know such a heavy Catechism topic but I believe in God. And I know with enough time. We can teach them how Jesus loves us and how badly He wanted us to be saved. 

Let's pray to the Lord
We want them to know that Jesus Christ saved us and through serving God we are helping ourselves to get closer to God more. Salvation what we call it. Children like them are closer to God more than us. That's why we wanted them to know how God loves them no matter what. In an early age we want them to know Jesus Christ. I believe that some of them will be a saint and will be recognize by many as being a faithful servant of God. Well I hope all of them will be.

While waiting for others
On May 29 would be there last day. The teachers and the rest will now be back in business again. But the desire in our hearts to see each other so they can learn more about God is still here. "Prayer would do" as they said. Yes it will. But we still hope that we can teach them more. Children like them would face a much bigger world out there everyday. And through the lessons we've taught them that is now carved in their hearts and minds would be there weapon in fighting against evil and temptation.

Let's praise the Lord!
Yes everything is possible with God. And through our prayers we know that someday they'll know much deeper how Jesus loves us. 

See you next year my brothers and sisters in Christ. May God be with you always! We love you!

Some of my students

While waiting

The games

Snacks before going home

Lesson time with Sarah as the teacher

Let's pray

Me as the moderator

Monday 23 May 2011

Just like Mary

The Mary I'am talking about is the Mary from the "Martha and Mary" story from the New Testament. Honestly time has always been my problem. I always have excuses in serving the Lord. Last semester I almost lost track busy doing earthly things. At the end of the semester just a few days before our final examination. I decided to go back and serve the Lord once again. My grades almost drop and I don't have time to return to the church but I still choose to. Thank God I did it. I returned and I saved my grades from dropping. Without God in my life is like a dead person. I never felt being so lonely before when I stopped serving the Lord. At that moment I felt the chills that I needed God again. Not because of the struggles just simply I needed Him. Now I have returned I think I was found again. This time a person who yearns for His words.

I've always been busy doing things to make myself look good but I wasn't happy. And I despise myself for that. Just like what Martha did when Jesus came to there house. She prepared a lot to make there house look presentable. And when she saw Mary just lying and listening to the Lord she asked her to stop and help her instead. But the Lord said what Mary did was better than what Martha is doing. Then Martha sat with them and listened to Jesus. 

To be next to the Lord and sat down for a moment is what I just needed. It would be a moment of peace and silence. Now that summer is almost finish I already budgeted my time before the new semester comes. I now have time to serve the Lord. I need Him. Just like what Mary did I will sit beside the Lord and listen. Not only Sundays but everyday.  

Sunday 15 May 2011

Committing to You again

The summer days are almost over. But my service days to the Lord are not. Since March the beginning of summer I've been helping the Church. It's been a year I think when I stop helping again. But now I'm trying to commit again. As a promise I created a campaign for the Lord to make an agreement to serve Him for the rest of my life. I also made it to make it up to Jesus because I've been gone for a long time. That campaign was "I say Yes to JESUS campaign". Finally that agreement was finish and with the help of the Lord. I already presented the video to our youth(Light of the Youth Community) and giving all the glory to God they all like it. I'm actually planned only to have 25 youth to say YES to JESUS. But because God is really great I almost have 50 of them who said yes to Jesus and let there pictures taken with there testimonies saying yes to JESUS. God is really great!

Now I will continue to serve God whatever happens. With Christ who gives me strength I know I can do it. No matter how strict my schedule would be. God gave me a lot of things and my service weren't enough to repay for all the graces He had given to me. All I can do is pray. Giving all the glory to God. I'm trying to commit again to You Lord!


I wish I can post the video here in my blog. But I have to upload if first so I can post it. But here's the video. For God be the glory. This video is dedicated to God through His Son Jesus Christ! God bless everyone!