Saturday 2 April 2011

I say Yes to Jesus!

I just created this logo minutes ago. I was reminded that to able to follow God's plan for us. We have to say Yes to Jesus Christ first by accepting him as our personal savior. I planned to make this logo for my customized t-shirt. I just noticed that I have very few white shirts. So I planned to buy one. Bargaining at every shop I did not like the designs so I decided just to make my own design to be printed. 

Thank you for the song that reminded me to say Yes to Jesus again "Trading My Sorrows". I don't know who composed it but I think it's has a good message. To trade all our worldly worries to Him and He will do the rest. 

I'm planning to print two shirts one for me and the other one is for my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I belong to two different denominations. But we let Jesus Christ be the center of our relationship. And I wan't him to wear it every time he feels like wearing it. To remind everyone that we have to say "Yes" to Jesus and to let the others know that in a relationship religion does not matter. Just like us and our relationship with Jesus Christ.

I say "Yes" to Jesus Christ not only because I love Him but also because that's what God wanted me to do to bring Him praise! God bless everyone!

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