Sunday 3 April 2011

I know who I am (doing it for the glory of God)

Yesterday was one of the memorable happiest Sunday ever! My LYC (Light of the Youth Community) been dancing, singing, praising, eating, laughing, and praying. I love You God! We've been to the Church since 8:00am in the morning until 9 midnight. Yesterday was our presentation to our practiced dance performance. We dance every after mass just to invite everyone to attend for our upcoming Lenten Recollection headed by our beloved Bishop Bacani. We were assigned by our Church to handle the said event. So we put all our effort just to make it successful. Next week will be the said event and were all excited.

While waiting for the next mass to end. All of us were practicing and having a meeting to make it beautiful. Before our last dance performance for the night. We practiced again. It's funny how they teased me because of my hair. It swings every time I dance. Maybe they thought that I'm intending doing it but not. LOL. All of them were doing my dance emphasizing my hair. We all have fun because of it. Even our youth leaders dance with us. 

Our last performance was extravagant! Even tired we still gave all our effort to the last performance. We were very happy to see the audience smiling back at us. Each performance we were given large applause. Then after each performance we hurriedly ran to the door to give fliers to them. We were very glad to see them smile at us and greet us "Nice performance!". If they only knew that were doing it for the glory of God they might say more than "nice performance". But that's ok what's important is that we danced because of Him. 

After the presentation it seemed that our President Ate Gay was very impressed and rewarded us with a dinner. Even at the restaurant we were still having fun. I'm so happy to be part of this community. To God be the glory!!! Lord, were doing all of these because You owns us and we own You! No performance or with performance we treat every Sunday with joy because were doing it for the glory of God and that's more important that just simply having fun!

This is the song we danced to God be the glory. Really love the lyrics! God bless everyone! 

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