Thursday 21 April 2011

First step of my purpose

Finally I had finished reading Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. God really blessed Pastor Rick to write such a wonderful piece to save and to make people realize there purposes here on earth. I've learned so much from the book and I wished to pass it on to others. But I'm still planning to reread it and to make a draft of talk out of it. If not a talk at least a small review about it. Through this book I've learned that our life was supposed to be live fully. I thought when I first met God I already am but I wasn't. This book helped me to realize it. And I want others to realize it too. Since I had read the book already. I wanted to share some parts of it that is really important and can be use to our daily lives. I know I can do it through Christ who gives me strength I know I can. God bless everyone!

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