Saturday 23 April 2011

In My Life (Birthday Song)

Every year since I met God I write songs for Him. Especially during my birthday I write songs about our relationship. I write songs not to impress others but to please God and give Him praise. Songs that would give Him glory. The songs are all about His wonderful love for us and how He guides us every step of the way. Each song was dedicated to God alone. Last year a few weeks before my 18th birthday I wrote another song for Him about His love for me "In My Life". This song is one of my favorite so I decided to post it.

In My Life

You watched me as I am asleep
You helped me when I wanted to stand
You helped me on my feet
You saw me as I cry in your land

You taught me how to swim deep
As the water is in your hands
You pulled me while I'm at the pit
And hugged me beside your heart

It's really worthless living without You
It's really worthless living without You

As I go in my life, You are always there
As I go in my life, I have nothing to fear
I know You love me
I know You love me

You cleared my eyes for me to see (ooohh)
You give me strength to fight (for what's right)
You cleaned my heart for me to feel
You defend me for my own rights

It's really worthless living without You
It's really worthless living without You

What am I looking for
It's You that I needed the most
What am I looking for
It's You that I needed the most

As I go in my life, I will love You more
As I go in my life, I will worship You more
As I go in my life, I will love You more
As I go in my life, I will praise You more
As I go in my life, I will live for You
Now I know for whom should I for

I love the last part because its me in my transformation stage. "Now I know for whom should I live for" was the gist of the song now I know its You Jesus that I should live for.

 This photo was taken and edited as well by my classmate. It was also last year few weeks after my 18th birthday. I was playing my other classmates guitar when she took it.

Thursday 21 April 2011

First step of my purpose

Finally I had finished reading Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. God really blessed Pastor Rick to write such a wonderful piece to save and to make people realize there purposes here on earth. I've learned so much from the book and I wished to pass it on to others. But I'm still planning to reread it and to make a draft of talk out of it. If not a talk at least a small review about it. Through this book I've learned that our life was supposed to be live fully. I thought when I first met God I already am but I wasn't. This book helped me to realize it. And I want others to realize it too. Since I had read the book already. I wanted to share some parts of it that is really important and can be use to our daily lives. I know I can do it through Christ who gives me strength I know I can. God bless everyone!

Worship Song

Since yesterday was Maundy Thursday and it was the right time to repent. I think It was also the right time to worship Jesus Christ. God send His only son for us to carry the cross of our sins. Jesus Christ saved us even though He knew from Himself that He can turn His back and choose not to save us. But He didn't because He loves us so much instead He let His Father's will be done even how painful it is. This Holy week is the right time to worship Him. Let's make these as an opportunity to glorify Him. The video below for me was my chosen song to worship Him. It is the song for our upcoming YCLSS just the right song because it is after holy week. How about you have you chosen a song for Him to worship Him?

Light of the world, You step down into darkness.

Opened my eyes let me see.
Beauty that made this heart adore you hope of a life spent with you.

And here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that you're my God,
You're altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me.

King of all days,
Oh so highly exalted Glorious in heaven above.
Humbly you came to the earth you created.
All for love's sake became poor.

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that you're my God,
You're altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me.

I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.
I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.
And I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.
No I'll never know how much it cost to se my sin upon that cross.

Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that you're my God,
You're altogether lovely,
Altogether worthy,
Altogether wonderful to me.
So Here I am to worship,
Here I am to bow down,
Here I am to say that you're my God, 

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Wow it's been a long time since I last updated my blog. Actually I've been busy this past few days. Since our recollection is finally over. I rest for about... I guess three days Now on Saturday were about to start again practicing for our upcoming Youth Catholic Light of the Spirit Seminar. Luckily, I was chosen again to be the moderator for the said seminar. God is really great to give me an opportunity again to moderate it. I've been away since last few seminars and now they've give me another chance to make it up with them by letting me handle the moderation. This Saturday I was obliged to attend the Public Speaking Workshop. Supposedly I attended it before. But since I'm really lazy I did not attend. Now I'm willing to serve God and commit to this community to serve Him. So I'm willing to join any activities of our youth. Another thing God really shows me what I am born of. Last Sunday I was asked to be the front dancer performing in our Church. My church mates seems to like the way I project while dancing so they put me in front. It's been grade school since the last time I was being told to be a good dancer. Now I gave all my best and they saw it and they like it. Maybe that what God wanted me to do... to dance for Him. 

Noticed by many I was being asked by one of our youth leaders to be the spoke person to our commercial  inviting other youth to attend our community. It was funny taking the shoot so many times. This Sunday were going to have the last shoot for the commercial I hope I still work effectively. 

Oh before I go. My say Yes to Jesus campaign was effective. 20 of our youth members let their pictures taken and commented to say Yes to Jesus. Now I'm starting my planned music video inviting other youth to say Yes to Jesus and to join our community. 

On May 7 and 8 I'm planning to continue documenting my say Yes to Jesus campaign. I hope I can still do it because I'm the moderator for those days. I hope I can finish it by May 8. To God be the glory! God bless everyone!

This picture was taken to be the sample for my "I say Yes to Jesus" campaign. God bless everyone!

Tuesday 5 April 2011

A Campaign to say "YES" to the Lord

On May 7 and 8 I'm planning to raise a Campaign to say "Yes" to the Lord. I hope our youth leaders will allow me. I think it would be a great opportunity to ask everyone to say Yes to the Lord whole heartedly. I am planning to ask them why do they say Yes to the Lord and what are the things they can show unto others that they said yes to Him. I think it would be a great idea. Out of it I am also planning to make a video showing every member of our community saying Yes to Him. I think God will be pleased if He sees it. And He will be more pleased if others will be inspired of what I've done and ask everyone else to say Yes to Jesus too. Oh I hope they will allow me! I would like to start it this Sunday. Lord I myself said YES to YOU! God your will be done! This is all for You! I love You Lord!

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
                                                               -John 14:6
So why not say "Yes" to the Lord now? Repent and proudly say  "YES" to Him!

Sunday 3 April 2011

I know who I am (doing it for the glory of God)

Yesterday was one of the memorable happiest Sunday ever! My LYC (Light of the Youth Community) been dancing, singing, praising, eating, laughing, and praying. I love You God! We've been to the Church since 8:00am in the morning until 9 midnight. Yesterday was our presentation to our practiced dance performance. We dance every after mass just to invite everyone to attend for our upcoming Lenten Recollection headed by our beloved Bishop Bacani. We were assigned by our Church to handle the said event. So we put all our effort just to make it successful. Next week will be the said event and were all excited.

While waiting for the next mass to end. All of us were practicing and having a meeting to make it beautiful. Before our last dance performance for the night. We practiced again. It's funny how they teased me because of my hair. It swings every time I dance. Maybe they thought that I'm intending doing it but not. LOL. All of them were doing my dance emphasizing my hair. We all have fun because of it. Even our youth leaders dance with us. 

Our last performance was extravagant! Even tired we still gave all our effort to the last performance. We were very happy to see the audience smiling back at us. Each performance we were given large applause. Then after each performance we hurriedly ran to the door to give fliers to them. We were very glad to see them smile at us and greet us "Nice performance!". If they only knew that were doing it for the glory of God they might say more than "nice performance". But that's ok what's important is that we danced because of Him. 

After the presentation it seemed that our President Ate Gay was very impressed and rewarded us with a dinner. Even at the restaurant we were still having fun. I'm so happy to be part of this community. To God be the glory!!! Lord, were doing all of these because You owns us and we own You! No performance or with performance we treat every Sunday with joy because were doing it for the glory of God and that's more important that just simply having fun!

This is the song we danced to God be the glory. Really love the lyrics! God bless everyone! 

Saturday 2 April 2011

I say Yes to Jesus!

I just created this logo minutes ago. I was reminded that to able to follow God's plan for us. We have to say Yes to Jesus Christ first by accepting him as our personal savior. I planned to make this logo for my customized t-shirt. I just noticed that I have very few white shirts. So I planned to buy one. Bargaining at every shop I did not like the designs so I decided just to make my own design to be printed. 

Thank you for the song that reminded me to say Yes to Jesus again "Trading My Sorrows". I don't know who composed it but I think it's has a good message. To trade all our worldly worries to Him and He will do the rest. 

I'm planning to print two shirts one for me and the other one is for my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I belong to two different denominations. But we let Jesus Christ be the center of our relationship. And I wan't him to wear it every time he feels like wearing it. To remind everyone that we have to say "Yes" to Jesus and to let the others know that in a relationship religion does not matter. Just like us and our relationship with Jesus Christ.

I say "Yes" to Jesus Christ not only because I love Him but also because that's what God wanted me to do to bring Him praise! God bless everyone!

Friday 1 April 2011


In Psychology at the age of 5 children begins to explore and do things that will later turn into hobby. If you wanted your child to be a musician, artist, singer, dancer, or a writer. One should let them explore it at this age. If you see that one is interested in pen and paper he or she might be a writer or an artist someday. If he or she likes to watch singers on television and imitate them personally he or she might be a singer someday. It also depends on how one encourages his or her child. Honestly with enough support and encouragement one child can be what their parents what want them to be. But there is one thing that is hard to develop among children even to the many. Faith! But how could we develop it if our child was not that aware of things like that because he or she are more interested in playing and exploring new things in play? God as our Father how did He wanted us to grow according to His will?
It all depends to the parent. Personality of a person can be built through his family, friends, school, and community. You see community is the last stage in personality development. But how? If often we notice in community faith begins. I know some of you might think "ok that's obvious it should start in the family but how if I'm now a grown up?"
Remember in the eyes of the Lord we are His children. As children we are not aware of everything until God let us to learn something. As long as time goes by and were still living were growing and learning. But some children doesn't want to learn because they tend not to listen and to grow. Life is not simply a journey but it's a journey of faith. We are all walking in the same path, life. It takes time till we get to the place we wanted to go. It's our own choice which road of life to take. But many misunderstood this. Others are enjoying simply walking not thinking where to end. But because God wanted us to be Christlike.  While we are growing in this earth He started to encourage us to be what He wanted us to be. God is our father and as a father He wanted what's best for us. 
When we were still young God send us to school were we can learn values if not God let us witness the world. It depends on how God wanted us to learn. It takes this kind of process till we finally learn. But learning takes some time. As long as we live we learn. The process of learning ends when death arrives. As long as we walk to the road of life God gives us lessons to be answered till we get to our destination. 
God wanted us to be like Christ. Just like Jesus Christ we are tempted and defeated. That is the way God wanted us to learn. To able to pass the test that God gave us. We follow His will. But that wasn't easy He knows that were not perfect and Satan is doing everything to get us. So God send His Holy Spirit to guide us. It helps us to think wisely. Just a good parent would encourage his or her child to write by giving a pen and paper. That's how God encourages us to be in Christlikeness.
Some of you may ask but what if I'm already grown up am I to late? No, everyday is a chance. As long as you live God gave you a chance to learn. We just really let God handle everything and put our trust to Him and He will do the rest. As long as we are still on this earth we can be called His children only if we let ourselves to be called.
Just like a 5 years old let us practice loving God so it can become a hobby. Start today so if the time finally comes for you to be said a grown up. You are now well equipped. You finally fulfill what God wanted you to be someday. Oh how proud God would be to see his or her child have grown according to His will, Christlikeness.