Sunday 26 June 2011

Who do you believe?

The belief for the 2012 controversy so called "End of the world" seems to eat the human minds rapidly. One of my friends in church told me that he believes this prediction. I asked "why?" "Because scientist said so...and there's a lot of evidence...who wouldn't believe?" he replied. I sighed. I would not like to have a debate with him so I just said "I strongly disagree with you". 

Many of us especially those who are in power said many things about the end of the world. One of this was the false prediction of the famous Family Radio in the United States. They predicted that on May 21, 2011 at exactly 6:00pm will be the end of the world. There will be massive earthquake, rapid tsunamis and many more. "On May 21, 2011 it will be the end...change your lives and be ready" Harold Camping the founder of Family stated. 

Many believers of this prediction have sold there house and have given up their fortune just to spread and help this campaign. But on May 21, 2011 at exactly 6:00pm nothing happened. Not even a single quake or shifting of the poles happened. Another false prediction indeed! Many had fallen for it.

Because of this many followers and believers suffered. Not only because they already had given up everything but they all fall short for the wrong prediction. But the worst thing of all was they depend there faith to a human being. They turned there backs against God and followed the wrong person. In the book of Matthew chapter 24 verse 11 states "Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many."

As Christians and followers of Christ we should not be deceived by any of this things. For the apostles had warned us that many will pretend and trick us in the last days. In Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” acknowledges us to trust only God with all our hearts for our understanding is not enough. Have you ever imagined a machine or a thing that was created by you will say or predict that he will die or end tomorrow? You as a creator only knows when your machine or the thing you created will end. The Creator only knows when will all things that He created will end. Jesus Christ himself also said that "only the Father knows when he will return again". 

Let us not be precised and foretell the things that God planned for us. Remember the Creator only knows when the time will end. 

In the past few years there is another prediction that captivated almost many believers "The December 12, 2012 end of the world". Many have recognized and proven this is true. And many have called to repent and be ready for this day. As a believer and a follower of Christ do you believe this or believe in God alone?

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