Sunday 19 June 2011

“Don’t Touch Me. I’ll Touch You”

Read: Proverbs 8:17

On my way to the Light of the Youth Community (LYC) practice for our Pentecostal performance at Philippine International Convention Center (PICC). I decided to stop and pray in the Blessed Sacrament for a moment. Since it’s only 6:00pm and our practice would be at 7:00pm. I decided to pray there for an hour.

The Blessed Sacrament is just in front of the Church and a few meters from our practice hall. The Church maintained the holiness of the place. Everything was placed accordingly and neatly. Few people visited it most of them are old. It was not my first time to visit. It was last year when I last visited it. I decided to pray inside to avoid the noise outside and have a silent time with God.

When I started praying I looked at the cross and accidentally laughed silently. What a funny sign for me to read inside a sacred place saying “Don’t touch me. I’ll touch you”. The sign was placed at the Cross. Maybe the caretaker of the place knew many would touch the cross so he put the sign. For many youth just like me it would be a funny sign. And for others who are really not into this religious stuff would say “That’s because religious people are too touchy. They believe that just by simply touching sacred things. They would be healed and there wishes would be granted”.

Honestly there’s nothing wrong about the sign. For me it was a proof that many people believe in the power of God just simply by touching blessed images. I’m not saying it was a bad thing to believe and to touch it. It was just all of us are trying to hard to touch God so He could hear us not realizing that He already is touching and hearing us in different ways.

God already touched us even before we are born. He makes sure that we’ll grow inside our mother’s womb according to His will. He touched us when we were starting to grow. He makes sure that we made it to our first steps. He touched us when we started going to school. He makes sure that we learn all the things that we needed for a living. He touched us when we were happy. He makes sure that we’re filled with joy because God is happy when He sees us happy. God touched us when we were crying. He makes sure that we could feel Him in times of trouble and despair. He touched us every time we pray. He listens to what we’re saying. God touches us in every way. We just don’t realize it because were too busy wishing to Him the things that we want for ourselves. We weren’t able to feel His touch because all we see are the things that God has not yet given us.

So we thought that through touching blessed images He can hear our prayers and grant them. But the truth is God already touched us and wanted us to touch Him too by praying, serving, praising, worshiping, glorifying and loving Him in return.

Remember God sometimes delay things we want because He wants us to seek Him first. But for sure He will grant it at the right time and place. We just need to trust Him and be patient.

Because of our worldly desires we are blinded not realizing how God touches us in every aspect of our lives. We are so eager for God to hear us but in fact He already does. He just wants you to touch Him in return. Not by literary touching His images but by loving Him in return.

The sign that is placed at the cross in the Blessed Sacrament was right. We don’t literary need to touch all things that are blessed so He could hear us because God already touched us. It’s up to us how to touch Him in return. I think the sign should be “I have touched you. How about you have you touched me?”

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