Saturday 11 June 2011

 To praise and worship God was my favorite part in any event. Whether it'll be a program, prayer meeting, recollection or just doing simple things like picking a piece of trash and throw it to the garbage Today I experienced a very blessed thing in my life. Together with my Light of the Youth Community we performed at PICC celebrating the Pentecost. Many youth charismatic groups attended and performed. I felt blessed seeing them all in just one program. With other youth we gathered together, prayed and worshiped. It was an experience I tell you! Everyone who was in the hall were jumping, singing, praising and glorifying God. No one cares what others think about them while praising. No one even cares who was the most talented group instead we all focused on God! And that's quite an experience. Looking forward attending more activities like the Pentecost. :) 

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