Friday 9 March 2012

I want to see...

Since I’ve began serving God..there’s a lot of things happening to me..And I don’t know how to handle everything..I began to become a worship leader but for me..still nothing I a bad worship leader?am I not good enough to touch others heart?for them to realize how Jesus loves them?
Now I’m here stuck in a situation between happiness and opportunity..
The feeling of happiness because your serving God in a pond where your the only water lily living in it with the other kinds of waterlilies.. touch more even though you think that everything will be worst..many will happen if I choose this..if today the world is against me already..if I choose this the world will be more against me..and I don’t know if this what God really wants for me..
I know life is not about enjoying all the things that are in here on is about sacrifices and love…
I’m willing to sacrifice but Lord I’m confused..I know that You have plans for me..but I don’t know which of the two..I don’t want to disappoint You Lord..Help me God..
I want to become more effective..I want to touch more people and draw them near to You..I want to see young people turn their backs to their old ways and accept You Jesus as their Lord and Savior..
Lord touch me..Lord hear me..what should I do?Lord let Your will be done.. :’)

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