Tuesday 20 March 2012

Walang bitawan pinangako mo sakin yun... :'(
Kayanin natin lahat..patunayan natin sa kanilang lahat na mahal na mahal natin isa't isa

Sunday 18 March 2012

got really frustrated when my sister did not remind me...that our computer is on deep freeze...
in just a moment...everything that I did overnight just lost...

Lord help me to be patient...

This morning my boyfriend just sang this song for me...
he said that he sang this song for me when we were still in 4th year High School...
I don't remember it...but what's important now is that he sang it again to me...
Oh..I'm so lucky to have him <3

Friday 16 March 2012

Sa mga pagkakataon na kahit sobrang gulo ko na tapos naandun ka padin?iniintindi ako..

Thursday 15 March 2012

our leaflets for our upcoming Youth Catholic Light in the Spirit Seminar...
with enough talent I designed it...
thank God :)
haha this is really funny...
I got fat. lovely and beautiful...
but the fact is I'm not fat...i'm underweight...hehehe
but I believe that i'm lovely and beautiful... :)
"Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants."
- 2 Timothy 2:25-26

This morning this verse was the first thing that I see and made my day. My boyfriend text it to me. Because he knows what I'm facing right now. I'm still hoping the people around me change their hearts and realize God's love :)

Sunday 11 March 2012

Can't find the best book that can change your life? Try the bible!

Opportunity to serve

Truly if you are a servant of God you’ll shine..
one of my classmate last year talked to me…
he opened up and started a heart to heart talk…
It was almost midnight so he hurried opening it to me(even though I’m willing to stay more and listen)
He told me that he needed someone now…
His been thinking of me for weeks now and his hoping to talk to me in private (were on the road while telling me his problems0
He did not speak too much because his also in a hurry to get home already(to do paper works)
But in the end of our conversation he told me “Seline can you pray for my soul…I really need that now”…
I was shocked for his request…I never knew someone would ask me that…I’m willing to pray for someone even they don’t tell me…but this person really needed help…
So I did before going to sleep…
God is really good for me to have opportunities to serve Him…
God gave this opportunity and I will serve…

Friday 9 March 2012

I want to see...

Since I’ve began serving God..there’s a lot of things happening to me..And I don’t know how to handle everything..I began to become a worship leader but for me..still nothing happens..am I a bad worship leader?am I not good enough to touch others heart?for them to realize how Jesus loves them?
Now I’m here stuck in a situation between happiness and opportunity..
The feeling of happiness because your serving God in a pond where your the only water lily living in it with the other kinds of waterlilies..
Opportunity..to touch more even though you think that everything will be worst..many will happen if I choose this..if today the world is against me already..if I choose this the world will be more against me..and I don’t know if this what God really wants for me..
I know life is not about enjoying all the things that are in here on earth..life is about sacrifices and love…
I’m willing to sacrifice but Lord I’m confused..I know that You have plans for me..but I don’t know which of the two..I don’t want to disappoint You Lord..Help me God..
I want to become more effective..I want to touch more people and draw them near to You..I want to see young people turn their backs to their old ways and accept You Jesus as their Lord and Savior..
Lord touch me..Lord hear me..what should I do?Lord let Your will be done.. :’)