Thursday 15 December 2011

December 14, 2011

This day was one of the most memorable day of my life...It was the day that Heroz proved to me that even though he has no money he would try his best to give me something...It was almost 8pm at the park when he gave me his first gift to me since we dated..I'm not a materialistic person that's why I don't expect to much from him...but when he handed me that silver necklace...I was shocked!I never thought that he will give something like that to me..I expect him to give things more on his family that me...but he bought one just for me..he intentionally bought something for me..I always thought that Heroz will always give something to his family that himself or me..but that day..he changed what I thought of him..he made me realized even though he thinks too much of his family..he still cares for me..he wants to give me something even though he had no money..I was pretty shocked what he did that day..He truly loves me and wants to make me happy..I love him so much..

The silver necklace has this cross pendant which I want the most..I love him so much..he still put Christ at the center of our relationship..I wont forget this day..

I love you!

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